These are archived sermons.
To reduce space, these sermons are not stored on the web server but if you would like a copy of any, then please contact the webmaster.
Date | Speaker | Title | Notes |
25-Oct-15 | Nadya Dyett | Who you were made to be | none |
18-Oct-15 | Jeremy Foster | Prophecies | none |
04-Oct-15 | Dan Clark | Meditation | none |
06-Sep-15 | – | recording failed | none |
30-Aug-15 | – | no recording | none |
23-Aug-15 | Chris Lindop | Intimacy in Jesus | slight gap in recording |
16-Aug-15 | Nadya Dyett | Behold I see a new thing | none |
09-Aug-15 | Thelma Sparks | Glory in the church | none |
02-Aug-15 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
26-Jul-15 | Jon Toms & Annie Lal | Testimony from Bethel | none |
19-Jul-15 | – | No Sermon – ministry time | none |
12-Jul-15 | – | No Sermon – joint service with CAW | none |
05-Jul-15 | – | No Sermon – ministry time | none |
28-Jun-15 | Nadya Dyett | Fear of The Lord | none |
21-Jun-15 | Nadya Dyett | Looking Up | none |
14-Jun-15 | – | No sermon – Guest Worship Leader | none |
07-Jun-15 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
31-May-15 | Barbara Foster | Change | none |
24-May-15 | Nadya Dyett | Pentecost | none |
17-May-15 | Nadya Dyett | Understanding Spiritual Authority | none |
10-May-15 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
03-May-15 | – | No sermon – Goodbye to Paul & Jackie | none |
26-Apr-15 | Richard Hatton | Fit for purpose | none |
19-Apr-15 | Nadya Dyett | Are you hearing me? | none |
12-Apr-15 | Paul Hopkinson | Word for The Ark | none |
05-Apr-15 | Nadya Dyett | Unbelief | Includes Communion |
29-Mar-15 | Jenny Shaw | Creation waits for the sons of God… | none |
22-Mar-15 | Thelma Sparks | Various prophetic | none |
15-Mar-15 | – | Talk on Chaplaincy | none |
08-Mar-15 | – | Worship with Steve Tebb | none |
01-Mar-15 | Thelma Sparks | Heavenly Things | none |
22-Feb-15 | Nadya Dyett | For His Holy Name’s sake | none |
15-Feb-15 | Katy Cardell | Givenness | none |
08-Feb-15 | Nadya Dyett | Eyes that see (part 1) | none |
01-Feb-15 | – | Prophetic Art Workshop | none |
25-Jan-15 | – | Recording failed | none |
18-Jan-15 | Jeremy Foster | Seasons | none |
11-Jan-15 | Paul Hopkins | Spiritual eyes and ears | none |
10-Jan-15 | Paul Hopkins | Bringing heaven to earth | none |
05-Jan-15 | Nadya Dyett | Fleshing Out God’s word | none |
28-Dec-14 | Barbara Foster | New Hope Trust | N/A – Briefing and videos |
21-Dec-14 | Nadya Dyett | Reflections on Christmas Story | none |
14-Dec-14 | Grace Colledge | none | |
07-Dec-14 | Jenny Shaw | The Word | none |
30-Nov-14 | Paul Banderet | Jesus, Lord of All | none |
23-Nov-14 | – | No sermon – Guest Worship Leader | none |
16-Nov-14 | Kevin Wakefield | Are you up for a fight? | none |
09-Nov-14 | Nadya | Obedience, not sacrifice | none |
02-Nov-14 | Thelma Sparks | Glorified | none |
26-Oct-14 | Ellie | Hope for Justice | none |
19-Oct-14 | Keith Sparks | Active Worship | none |
12-Oct-14 | Paul Hopkins | Canopies | none |
05-Oct-14 | Thelma Sparks | Not fully recorded | |
28-Sep-14 | Thelma Sparks | Created for glory | none |
21-Sep-14 | Rachel James | Personal Testimony | none |
14-Sep-14 | – | No sermon – Guest Worship Leader | none |
07-Sep-14 | Nadya Dyett | Becoming like a child | none |
31-Aug-14 | Jeremy Foster | Understanding what’s gone before to recognise what God is doing now | none |
24-Aug-14 | Jon Gardner | Am I a true worshipper? | none |
17-Aug-14 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
10-Aug-14 | Connie Reynolds | Compassionate non-violent communication | none |
03-Aug-14 | Katie Cardell | worship in context of whole body ministry | N/A, Personal Ministry |
27-Jul-14 | Nadya Dyett | Call to Worship | none |
20-Jul-14 | Thelma Sparks | Moving on with zeal and purity | none |
13-Jul-14 | – | No sermon – CAW Service in Town Centre | none |
06-Jul-14 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
29-Jun-14 | Nadya Dyett | The prophets agree | none |
22-Jun-14 | – | No sermon – Guest Worship Leader | none |
15-Jun-14 | Alan Osborn | Holiness | none |
08-Jun-14 | Chris Lindop | Trust in Him fulfilling His word | none |
01-Jun-14 | – | No sermon – Raiders’ Service | none |
25-May-14 | Rose Eldridge | Personal Journey | none |
18-May-14 | Bruce & Sharon Oliver | Recent missions | none |
11-May-14 | Nadya Dyett | God is God | none |
04-May-14 | Joe Nartey | Spiritual Warfare | none |
27-Apr-14 | Sam & Abby Willis | Why did Jesus have to die? | none |
20-Apr-14 | – | none | |
13-Apr-14 | Oliver Pengilley | Worship and Art – Interview | none |
06-Apr-14 | Ash Kotecha | Revival through prayer | none |
30-Mar-14 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
23-Mar-14 | John Willis | The bible and food | none |
16-Mar-14 | Thelma Sparks | In the world but not of the world | none |
09-Mar-14 | Nadya Dyett | Ministry of Reconciliation | none |
02-Mar-14 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
23-Feb-14 | Richard Hatton | Vision for The Ark | none |
16-Feb-14 | Nadya Dyett | Running with The Word | none |
09-Feb-14 | Jeremy Foster | Loving yourself | none |
02-Feb-14 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
26-Jan-14 | Katy Cardell | Friendship is Kingdom | none |
19-Jan-14 | Paul Hopkins | Living in Shalom | none |
18-Jan-14 | Paul Hopkins | The Kingdom is getting bigger | Afternoon Session |
12-Jan-14 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
05-Jan-14 | Nadya Dyett | Living in True Truth | none |
29-Dec-13 | Nadya Dyett | Bondservants | none |
22-Dec-13 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
15-Dec-13 | Sam & Abby Willis | not fully recorded | none |
08-Dec-13 | Thelma Sparks | God’s Original Plan | none |
01-Dec-13 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
24-Nov-13 | – | none | |
17-Nov-13 | Nadya Dyett | Be yielded to the river | includes final prayer |
10-Nov-13 | Paul Hopkins | Don’t try too hard | none |
03-Nov-13 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
27-Oct-13 | Nadya Dyett | Total Dependence | none |
20-Oct-13 | Thelma Sparks | Worship and Warfare | none |
13-Oct-13 | Mary Harris-Mayes | Update & favourite stories | none |
29-Sep-13 | John Willis | Adapt, be flexible | none |
22-Sep-13 | Jeremy Foster | The Ark | none |
15-Sep-13 | Bruce & Sharon Oliver | Recent missions etc | none |
08-Sep-13 | Nadya Dyett | Worship | none |
01-Sep-13 | Nadya Dyett | Faith | none |
25-Aug-13 | John Willis | Endurance | none |
18-Aug-13 | – | No sermon – Louie Giglio DVD | none |
11-Aug-13 | – | No sermon – Louie Giglio DVD | none |
04-Aug-13 | Bruce Oliver | Consider the whole Gospel | none |
07-Jul-13 | Lis Lindop | The Ark – my perspective | none |
28-Jul-13 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
21-Jul-13 | – | No sermon – with CAW at Cassiobury Park | none |
14-Jul-13 | Nadya Dyett | Let Him do it His way | none |
30-Jun-13 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
23-Jun-13 | Chris Lindop | Freedom | none |
16-Jun-13 | Alan Osborn | Daniel & Ancient of Days | none |
09-Jun-13 | Nadya Dyett | Be still and know that I am God | none |
02-Jun-13 | Sam & Abby Willis | Awakening | none |
26-May-13 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
19-May-13 | Paul Banderet | Vision | none |
12-May-13 | Thelma Sparks | Unveiling – part 2 | none |
05-May-13 | Barbara Foster | God doesn’t change | none |
28-Apr-13 | Thelma Sparks | Unveiling | none |
21-Apr-13 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
14-Apr-13 | Nadya Dyett | Arise and Shine | none |
07-Apr-13 | Paul Hopkins | Supernatural is reality (afternoon) | Excl. interactive Ps.23 |
07-Apr-13 | Paul Hopkins | Supernatural is reality (morning) | Visiting Speaker |
31-Mar-13 | – | No sermon – Community Morning | none |
24-Mar-13 | Bruce Oliver | Dedication of Joshua Nartey | Visiting Speaker |
17-Mar-13 | Karen Charles | Chicken and Egg | none |
10-Mar-13 | – | No sermon – Holy Spirit took over | none |
03-Mar-13 | Joe Nartey | Taking the limit off God | Visiting speaker |
24-Feb-13 | Georgiana Kargbo | Give of your time, Gifts & resources | Visiting speaker |
17-Feb-13 | – | No sermon – Testimony Morning | none |
10-Feb-13 | Nadya Dyett | Abraham | none |
03-Feb-13 | Hamish Charles | Seeing from God’s perspective | none |
27-Jan-13 | Sam & Abby Willis | What on earth is salvation? | none |
20-Jan-13 | Thelma Sparks | Waiting on God | Excludes feedback |
13-Jan-13 | Nadya Dyett | How are we going to do it? | none |
06-Jan-13 | Nadya Dyett | What are we doing? | none |