Worship Music
Most of the music on this page has been recorded from Zoom sessions and the quality is therefore far from ideal. However, it is still a great asset in respect of personal worship, soaking and praise. Although each piece of music is attributed to one person, some has been taken from Going Global sessions and has additional instrumentation/vocals.
We are greatly blessed by some truly gifted and varied worship leaders – Praise Him!
Please Note:
The worship music is grouped by Worship Leader and where we have an abundance of music (isn’t God good!) these are in compilations that are limited to 3 hours. For each compilation there are 3 options:
- A single continuous track, available to stream or to download (iOS devices will require a 3rd party app to download).
- A playlist to stream. Depending on your device and operating system, you may be able to save individual tracks (e.g. Windows: right click and “save target as”)
- A compressed (.zip) file that can be downloaded to your computer. Once downloaded, you can extract the files (which are in a single folder) and add them to your own music collection as a new “album”. How to extract them and where to place them will vary by device.
Please also note that there is a bug within the WordPress Audio Player that does not stop the player when a new audio is played – so if you play a continuous track and then a track from a playlist, both will play together, You must manually stop the first player. (Does not apply to tracks with a single playlist)